Legende |
Field Name |
Description |
Structure Level Title |
Decide here the title of the level. |
Alias of the structure level |
Here you can decide the alias of the structure level, this will be needed for the direct call of the level.
Example: www.your_domain.tld/index.php?alias
When you use Rewrite, also the page title will be created out of the alias.
Example: www.your_domain.tld/alias.html
Page title |
You can also create a seperate page title. It will then be shown in the title bar of the browser (only in article list mode available). You can define in your template under "Add title" what will be shown in the title bar. |
redirect to: |
Here you can redirect to an other structure or to external content.
When you want to redirect to internal content, the recommended way to use is the following tag: { SITE}
When you want to redirect to an external site, please simply insert the URL of the external site, followed by a _blank.
Please use always for internal redirect the following notation: index.php?your_alias |
Description of the structure level: |
Here you still can insert for other authors a decription of the level. It is not visible for visitors of the site.
You can also create a seperate description. It will then be shown in the meta description field in head area if there is no "description:" text available in "article basis information".
Priority: 1 Article basis information, 2. Site structure
If you have more the one article in a category (article list mode), the information from the site structure are used. |
Template: |
Chosse here what template shall be uses for the new structure. |
Settings: |
Here it is possible to choose an other template for the whole appearance of the site. There is the file "custom_settings.php" in "template/inc_settings/template_default/". This file contains the same values as the conf.template_default.php, that you can find in the config folder of phpwcms.
Please notice that when you make changes to "custom_settings.php" you should rename the file, because when you make an update the file could be overwritten. |
Top article count: |
Here you can say, how many articles with summary shall be shown on the page. The standard is "-1" and means that all articles with summary will be shown in this level.
If you want to use the pagination, you need to add the number of articles that you want to add into this structure. If you let the "-1" as value the pagination will not work. |
Pagination: |
It is possible to paginate one or more articlec to more pages.
According to the value that you insert into the field "articles per page" you can decide, how many articles per page will be shown. |
Order of assigned articles: |
Here you can decide, with which sorting the article with summary will be shown.
The following settings are possible:
manually (Arrow up/down)
Date of creation
Date of change
Start date
End date
Article title
Furthermore you can define the sequence by choosing
descending .
Content Part Selection: |
Here you have the possibility, to decide as administrator what content Parts are available in this level. When you don't choose anything, all content parts will be shown.
Choose the corresponding content part in the left window and add it with . To delete it press . |
Frontend menu status |
Here you have two choices:
invisible: By checking this setting, this structure will not be shown for visitors
visible, if active:
visible only for logged users: Not functional at this time |
Cache |
By checking this setting this page will not included in the cache function. Otherwise you can define, after what time the page will be rewritten into the cache. Possible values are: 1min to 1 month. |
Search |
Here you can define, whether the article content shall be included in the search.
The standard is, that the content can be found. By checking this function the content will be excluded in the search. |
visible / public |
For making the structure visible for visitors, please check visible and public. |
For using SSL you need an SSL certificate. When you already hav a certifikate, please change to needed entries in (config/phpwcms/)conf.inc.php in item "// dynamic ssl encryption engine" |
Sitemap |
When the article shall be shown in the sitemap, please check here. |