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Replacement Tags for Navigation

{BROWSE:NEXT:Text String:0 or 1}

Usage: This tag allows for the incremental display or 'paging' of separate articles within a given site structure level (category). In other words, in cases where multiple articles are present, this tag makes it possible to create an automatic link to the next article within the category.
Notation: {BROWSE:NEXT:Next Article:1}
Result: Next Article
Alternative: By default the integer should be set to 1 in order to enable this function. By setting it to 0, linkage is deactivated.

{BROWSE:NEXT:Next Article:0}
Next Article - Disabled

{BROWSE:PREV:Text String:0 or 1}

Usage: This tag, similar to the one above, allows for the incremental display or 'paging' of separate articles within a given site structure level (category). This tag makes it possible to create an automatic link to the previous article within a given site structure level (category).
Notation: {BROWSE:PREV:Previous Article:1}
Result: Previous Article
Alternative: By default the integer should be set to 1 in order to enable this function. By setting it to 0, linkage is deactivated.

{BROWSE:PREV:Previous Article:0}
Previous Article (Disabled)

{BROWSE:UP:Text String}

Usage: This tag allows for the creation a link to the parent category within a given site structure. Allows for very flexible navigational strategies.
Notation: {BROWSE:UP:Go to Parent Category}
Result: Go to Parent Category


Usage: This tag automatically produces a vertical navigation table (menu) with embedded javascript rollover code.  The menu items are based on site structure categories. The number of sub-categories is not limited within phpwcms. Upon clicking a given link, the next set of sub-categories are displayed within the menu itself, should they exist.

This extremely powerful menu element illustrates the menu structure of the complete site.
Remark: This tag and the resulting table code it creates are typically called within either the 'left' or 'right' sections of page templates (admin). The final appearance of the menu can be customized in great measure by editing this file: config/phpwcms/


Usage: This tag extends the navigational tag (mentioned above) to include the site structure level parameter, which is expressed as an integer. This integer can be found by rolling your cursor over the site structure icons in the admin-site structure section. Using this parameter, menus are generated from this site structure level and below. In other words, the customized/contextual menus can be created...offering greater levels of flexibility.
Notation: {NAV_TABLE_COLUMN:2}
Remark: In this case, the code above displays the english only version of this site. The english version corresponds to integer 2 within the site structure.


Usage: This tag creates a horizontal menu based on the 'first level' of any given phpwcms installation's site structure. Its formatting can be controlled via editing the 'list_top..' classes, found within the frontend.css file. Path: template/inc_css/frontend.css
Notation: {NAV_LIST_TOP}
Remark: The fact that its appearance is controled via CSS offers a notable degree of design options and flexibility.


Usage: This tag, nearly identical to the one listed above, creates a horizontal menu based on the 'first level' site structure with 2 additional options. The first of these is the ability to 'rename' the primary index to a unique/customized name (Indexname). The second allows for additonal formatting options via a call to a CSS class (ClassName). The fact that its appearance is CSS based, means that any number of variations on the menu's appearance can be made.
Remark: In this example, the index link, which is ordinarily displayed as 'home', was 'renamed to HOMEPAGE.  No additonal CSS class was called...notice the colon however.
Alternative: {NAV_LIST_TOP::}

Here the options were completely suppressed by omitting any entries, while still including the : colon code.


Usage: Horizontal menu to display the first menu level, starting with the index page.
Notation: {NAV_ROW}
Result: Home | Deutsch | English
Remark: Especially applicable for header or footer.

The look of the menu is adjustable.
To do this please edit the file: 
// row based navigation


Usage: Horizontal menu to display the menu level below, starting at the actual page.
Notation: {NAV_ROW:CURRENT:1}
Display: Navigation Tags | Test Level 1 | Test Level 2

Flag is 1: The actual page will also be shown!
Remark: Especially suitable for the header and footer section.

The appearance of the menu is adjustable. 
Therefore you have to modify in the file 
the section
// row based navigation
Alternative: {NAV_ROW:CURRENT:0}

Test Level 1 | Test Level 2

Flag is 0: The actual page will not be shown!

{NAV_ROW:INT:0 or 1}

Usage: Horizontal menu to display the menu level below, starting below the given category id. Furthermore you can define with 0|1 whether the actual page name shall also be displayed.
Notation: {NAV_ROW:INT:1}

Navigation Tags | Test Level 1 | Test Level 2

Flag is 1: The actual page will also be displayed!


Alternative: {NAV_ROW:INT:0}

Test Level 1 | Test Level 2

Flag is 0: The actual page will not be shown!
Remark: Especially suitable for the header and footer section.

The appearance of the menu is adjustable. 
Therefore you have to modify in the file 
the section
// row based navigation


Usage: Vertical menu element. Only categories exactly below the actual menu level or the superordinated can be adressed.

Formating specifications are determined in the style sheet class: frontend.css  with  Class: list_level

{NAV_LIST_CURRENT:0 oder 1:IndexName:list_class}

Usage: Vertical menu element. Only categories exactly below the actual menu level or the superordinated can be adressed.

Formating specifications are determined in the style sheet class: frontend.css  with  Class: list_level

The display of the superordinated level can be suppressed.

You can rename the superordinated title.
Formating specifications are determined in the style sheet class: frontend.css  with  Class: list_level

After setting up your own class formatting according to your wishes is posible to great extend. This class has to be defined in the frontend.css
Notation: {NAV_LIST_CURRENT:1:superordinated title:}
Remark: In this example the actual level was renamed to "superordinated title".
No specific class was determined.
Alternative: {NAV_LIST_CURRENT:0:superordinated title:}

In this example the flag was set to 0:
(actual level supressed)


Usage: Very simple vertical menu element. Only categories bolow the actual level can´be accessed.
Navigation Tags
Test Level 1
Test Level 2

Article created: Wednesday, 18. August 2004
Last Changes: Tuesday, 4. January 2011