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Content Part "Code"

Content Part: Code

code: Here you can enter regular text. The difference between this contentpart, and the “plain text” content-part is only in how the text is formatted for viewers of the website. Text entered here will be presented using a uniform-width font, which is handy for displaying sections of code, among other things.

Below you will find 2 examples so you can see the difference between these 2 content parts.

example: plain text

Sal Sanctus levo Rectum per vexamen et Reseco sino sed lea do for
Esse identidem repromitto cur et Perpetior, stipo incrementabiliter,
cervus ante hilaris, mire algor se Vena thorax frendo puto Magnopere
ops tam prenda contineo. Addo ymo xiphias Heidelberg Lactuca, nex
in congruens, ruo lego os cum universitas. Tellus vas neo
prothoplastus Improviso cui te curvo. Eo privus ars Iussu infodio.

example: code

Sal Sanctus levo Rectum per vexamen et Reseco sino sed lea do for
Esse identidem repromitto cur et Perpetior, stipo incrementabiliter,
cervus ante hilaris, mire algor se Vena thorax frendo puto Magnopere
ops tam prenda contineo. Addo ymo xiphias Heidelberg Lactuca, nex
in congruens, ruo lego os cum universitas. Tellus vas neo
prothoplastus Improviso cui te curvo. Eo privus ars Iussu infodio.

Article created: Tuesday, 24. August 2004
Last Changes: Tuesday, 4. January 2011