subject (optional): Subject of the E-Mail. |
CODE stands for one of these contractions:
IT = Text field (single-line)
IP = Password field
TA = Text field (of several lines)
SM = Pulldown-Menu
SL = Selection list
IC = Checkbox
IR = Radio Button
SC = Pulldown-Menu with standard country list
IH = Hidden field
NAME is the internal designation of the field, which is indicated in the e-mail.
REQUIRED stands for 1 (= necessary field) or 0 (= optional field).
LABEL stands for the title of the field, which the visitor sees.
SIZE stands for one of the following:
1. with selection lists, the number of lines showing
2. with check boxes and radio buttons, the width between options (in pixels)
and the number of options per row
3. with text fields the size of the field in number of characters.
4. with pull-down menus is it without meaning
MAX LENGTH stands for one for the following:
1. with check boxes, the number of columns
2. with text fields, the maximum number of characters which can be entered
VALUE can be used to enter pre-selected text or values into fields :
1. with text fields it is the default text that appears in the field
2. with a pull-down menu of the standard country list, it is the value that is
pre-selected (e.g. US for United States)
3. with pull-down menus, selection lists, check boxes and radio buttons,
VALUE represents the options which can be selected from. These options are entered
in the following format:
Option A#Option B%1%#Option C%1%C#Option D%0%D
The # character separates the individual options. In order to set an option as preselected, you add %1% after the desired option.
To set an alternate description for each option, enter it after %1%. If you want to use an alternate description that is not pre-selected, use %0% instead of %1%. The alternate description will only be used in the e-mail you receive.
CSS WIDTH stands for the width of the text field in pixels.
A set of form field definitions could look similar to the following example:
IT|firstname|1|First Name: |40,100|anon.|300
IT|email|1|Email: |40,100||300
IP|password|0|Password: |12,100||100
TA|info|0|Info: |20,3||300
SM|menu|0|Menu: |20,100|Test#Test2#Test3|300
SL|list|0|List: |3,0|1%Test#2%Test2#3%Test3#4%Test4|200
IC|mark|1|Check: |50,3|mark1%1%DU#mark2#mark3#List#
IR|radio|1|Select: |50,0|mark1%1%DU#mark2#mark3|0
SC|country|0|Country: |10,100|US|300
IN|plz|1|PLZ: |40,100||300