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Bid example

Bid text:

<p>###BID_IMG:left### You can bid on following product from ###BID_START:m/d/y### until ###BID_END:m/d/y###. Please notice: this is no auction. We want to know how much you would pay for the product. The current bid is: ###BID_CURRENT### EUR (bid starts at ###START_BID### EUR). You can bid by sending your price and email address. Then we will send an email to the given address where you have to verify your bid. Only if your bid is verified successfully it will be taken.</p> <p>###BID_FORM###</p>


<!--FORM_ERROR_START-->error: check fields!<br /><!--FORM_ERROR_END-->email:&nbsp;<input name="###BID_EMAIL###" type="text" size="30" value="###BID_EMAIL###" />&nbsp;&nbsp;bid:&nbsp;<input name="###BID_AMOUNT###" type="text" size="15" value="###BID_AMOUNT###" />&nbsp;<input type="submit" name="Submit" value="send bid" />

After sending:

Your bid was sent. You will receive a verification email.


This is an automaticly send verification email.


you have send a new bid from our website:

The amount of your bid is: ###BID### EUR

Your bid is taken only after you have verified by clicking

If you do not want to bid please do nothing or delete the bid

Period: ###BID_START:m/d/y### - ###BID_END:m/d/y###
Start bid was: ###START_BID### EUR



You have been verified successfully.


Your bid was deleted.

Article created: Monday, 21. February 2005
Last Changes: Tuesday, 4. January 2011