You are here: English > The Docu > Articles > Article Organization > Copy Article

Copy Articles

When you want to copy an article into an other structure level, please proceed this way:

1. Go to the article center

2. Click on the icon of the article to move. The icon changes to and the line will be marked with a green bar to show that the desired article has been chosen.


Now you can see a green arrow at every structure level , this will show you that you can insert the chosen article at this place.

With a click on the green arrow you can insert the article into the desired structure level. As an orientation guide the line will be marked bright green.


Now you can see that the article has been inserted into the desired level.


At least you have once more to click onto the following icon  of the copied article. Thus you leave the copy mode for this article. Die green mark of the article changes again to white and the icon will be again .

Article created: Thursday, 15. December 2005
Last Changes: Tuesday, 4. January 2011